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Office Actions


 OA,,指Office Actions,具体是指在美国专利申请过程中,实质审查时,美国专利局向专利申请人发出的关于专利申请方面(尤其是专利申请文件)的官方意见,这种官方意见通常相当于中国国家知识产权局发出的实质审查通知书,因此,在中国业界,有时直接称审查通知书为OA。以下是美国专利局网站,关于OA的解释:
  Office Actions
  Office actions are letters from the USPTO that set forth the legal status of a trademark application. They are issued by trademark examining attorneys who are assigned to each application. There are several types of office actions: examiner’s amendments, priority actions, non-final office actions, final office actions, and suspension letters. Please read below for a definition of each type, as well as information on how to respond to them.

上一条:Office Automation 2009 网络智能办公系统
